If you can't find the file you downloaded: You must know the filename.
In this case, it should be "campground_master_upgrade.exe".
If you know the filename, you can click on the Windows "Start" button, then "Find",
then "Files or Folders..." and do a search on the filename over your entire computer to find the file.
Or, just try the download again, and remember to select a location in the "Save In" that you can find easily, such
as My Documents. Another option is to select "Run" when prompted, so you don't have to find it yourself.
If you get a "CRC" error or "Not a valid Win32 application" error when running the
installation program: In some cases your computer's security software or a network
firewall will prevent "exe" files from downloading properly.
You may need to be sure that any security software is temporarily disabled, and then clear Internet Explorer's "temporary files"
(in IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, and select "Delete Files" in the Temporary Internet Files section). Then try the download again.
Some versions of America Online browsers also have a problem with "exe" files.
If you're using AOL, then you can solve this problem by loading MS Internet Explorer
(or FireFox, or other browser) after logging on to AOL, and return to this page in
that browser before downloading. Also, If you are behind a company firewall, this may
be causing a corrupt EXE download.
If you're using Windows XP or Vista (or if you have an unzipping program like WinZIP and understand how to use it),
you can download the program in ZIP format by clicking here: campmast_upgrade.zip. Once downloaded,
open that file and then run the "campground.exe" contained inside it to install Campground Master.
After installing, if you see "This program may not have installed correctly"...
This message is due to the way Windows Vista and Windows 7 or 8 react to the installer.
Choose the option saying that the program has installed correctly.
If all else fails:
If you have any problems getting Campground Master up and running, please contact us!
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