Rates for Fixed Fees

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If you have a fixed fee that should be charged to reservations regardless of the length of stay, then you can do it as an add-on rate.  This can be used for things like a reservation fee, a key deposit, or other one-time charge.  It doesn't necessarily have to apply to everyone (you can qualify a key deposit to just cabins, for instance), just modify the steps below if needed to make it apply to the appropriate cases.


To set up a $5.00 fixed fee that applies to all stays:


1. Click Add rate definition.


2. Select "Add-On" in the Rate Type field.


3. Enter "Fixed reservation fee" (or whatever it is) in the Description field.


4. Click the Charge button.


5. Select (click on) "Misc Extras" from the drop-down category list (or whatever category you might have added for this).


6. Press the Tab key to change to the Description field, and change it if you want (e.g. "Service charge").


7. Press the Tab key twice to get to the Each field (no Qty is necessary).


8. Enter the amount, not including taxes, for instance "5".


9. Press the Tab key to accept the amount.


10. Check the boxes for one or more taxes under Auto-add tax, if they apply.


11. Remove the checkboxes for Multiply by # periods, Multiply by # sites, and Ask for other quantity.  Of course it this should apply multiple times for multiple sites, leave that box checked.


12. Select any Resv Types, Site Types, etc. that this charge should apply to.  If it applies to everything, make sure these selections are cleared out.


13. Click the Save button.


That's it -- this rate will be added to all reservations matching the selected Applies-only-to criteria.




Other examples:


 Basic Daily Rate


 Weekly and Monthly Rates


 Monthly Pro-rate


 Add-on for 50A service


 Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


 Discount for Good Sam


 Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


 Special Season or Holiday Rates


 Special Reservation Types


 Seasonal Stays


 Rates for Fixed Fees


Next in sequence:

 Merchandise Rates


 Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)



Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/rates-for-fixed-fees.html

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