Weekly and Monthly Rates

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To set up a weekly rate of $120 (for instance if they get the 7th day free, you would simply charge them for 6 days on a weekly stay):


1. Assuming you added the daily rate in the previous example, selected that and click Copy Selected Rate(s).  This will make a duplicate rate definition so we don't have to do everything over again.  (Otherwise follow that example first and then make the changes below, if no daily rate is needed.)


2. Select the new copy (click to highlight it), then click Edit rate definition.  (Or you can just double-click on it to edit it.)


3. Change the Description field to "Basic weekly rate, Normal RV".


4. Select (click on) "Daily Rate" under the Category for the charge, then click on the drop-down arrow and select "Weekly Rate".


5. Press the Tab key to change to the Description field, and change it if you want (e.g. "Normal RV, weekly").


6. Press the Tab key twice to get to the Each field.


7. Enter the weekly amount, not including taxes, for instance "120".  No dollar sign or decimals are needed (assuming it's a round dollar amount)


8. Press the Tab key to accept the amount.


9. Select "Weeks" from the drop-down list after Rate is per 1 (# of).


10. Everything else is the same, so click the Save button.


11. IMPORTANT: This rate should still be highlighted in the rates list, so click the Move Up button so that it's above the daily rate.  This is important so the weekly rate takes precedence over the daily rate.  If they stay extra days, it will use the daily rate for the additional days.



To set up a monthly rate, follow the same steps above, substituting the appropriate descriptions, category, and amount, and select "Monthly" in the Rate is per... field.  Or if you charge per 30 days instead of calendar months, enter it as Rate is per "30" (# of) "Days".


Then in the last step, move it twice so it's above the weekly rate.  Again, the monthly rate will be used first, then the weekly for extra weeks, and/or the daily rate for extra days.




Other examples:


 Basic Daily Rate


Next in sequence:

 Monthly Pro-rate


 Add-on for 50A service


 Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


 Discount for Good Sam


 Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


 Special Season or Holiday Rates


 Special Reservation Types


 Seasonal Stays


 Rates for Fixed Fees


 Merchandise Rates


 Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)



Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/weekly-and-monthly-rates.html

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