Discounts, e.g. for Good Sam

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If you give discounts on daily rates for organizations like Good Sam, you need to set up completely separate rate definitions that apply to the selected discounts.  So first you need to make sure the discounts you accept are in the Discounts Pick List (Maintenance / Pick Lists / Discounts).


There are a couple ways you can set up discount rates, depending on how you want the customer's receipt to show it -- either as a separate line item showing the discount amount, or simply as a reduced amount for the basic charge.  We recommend separate line items, not only for the customer's benefit, but because this also allows you to see the discounts on transaction reports.


For now we'll assume that the Good Sam discount only applies to the daily rate (since a discount is already built into weekly and monthly rates).


To set up a Good Sam rate of 10% off:


1.  Assuming you added the Basic Daily rate in the earlier example, selected that and click Copy Selected Rate(s).  This will make a duplicate rate definition so we don't have to do everything over again.  (Otherwise follow that example first and then make the changes below.)


2. Select the new copy, then click Edit rate definition.


3. Change the Description field to "Good Sam daily rate, Normal RV".


4. Click the Discount button (the one next to Charge), to add a discount transaction.


5. Select "Daily Rate" from the drop-down category list.  You could leave this as "Discount", or you could set up a specific category, but in this case assume we want to include it in the Daily Rate category for accounting reasons (it will simply reduce the total income shown for the Daily Rate category ).  We'll still be able to get a report showing the discount amounts if we want, because the Type is Discount.


6. Press the Tab key to change to the Description field, and change it if you want (e.g. "Good Sam 10% discount").


7. Press the Tab key twice to get to the Each field (no Qty is necessary).


8. Enter the daily amount of discount, not including taxes.  We can't enter a percentage, but we know the amount will be $2 because we know the normal rate is $20, so just enter "2".


9. Press the Tab key to accept the amount.


10. Click the Discounts button (the one below Sites), select "Good Sam" from the list, and click OK.


11. Everything else is the same, so click the Save button.


12. This rate should still be highlighted in the rates list, so click the Move Up button so that it's above the Basic daily rate, but below the basic weekly rate.  This is important so the weekly rate takes precedence over the discounted daily rate, but the discount rate will be applied if you select Good Sam as the discount used for the reservation.  Otherwise it will skip this one and use the basic daily rate.


If you offer more than one type of discount, you would repeat the above process for each discount you offer.  You would also repeat this for any Add-on rates that the discount should apply to -- so you might end up with many copies of daily rates and add-on rates, one for each type of discount.


However there's a shortcut if you offer the same amount of discount, e.g. 10%, for several different organizations.  Make the following changes in the steps to make one rate apply to multiple discount types:


In step 6, make the description "Discount".  When the program sees that the description is the same as the Type, it will add the discount type on the receipts and it will show up like "Discount : Good Sam".


In step 10, select as many different discount types as needed (hold the Ctrl key down when clicking to select more than one).


Now you have one rate that will apply to multiple discounts.




Other examples:


 Basic Daily Rate


 Weekly and Monthly Rates


 Monthly Pro-rate


 Add-on for 50A service


 Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


Next in sequence:

 Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


 Special Season or Holiday Rates


 Special Reservation Types


 Seasonal Stays


 Rates for Fixed Fees


 Merchandise Rates


 Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)



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