By "Zip drive" we're talking about the Zip disk drive device by Iomega which is similar to a floppy drive but handles disks of 100MB or larger capacity (these are rapidly being made obsolete by USB flash memory devices, but if you already have one it can still be handy). This is different than the "ZIP" compressed file format which Campground Master uses, but both uses of "zip" are common terms and can sometimes be confusing.
Zip drives can be used for backups, but there seems to be something incompatible between Zip drives and the compression algorithm we use. Version 3.5 attempts to avoid the problem by not compressing backups directly to drives larger than a floppy disk, so this should solve it. Just select the Zip drive as the backup location as you would a floppy drive. It will compress the file to a temporary location and then copy it to the Zip drive.
However if you're still using an older version of Campground Master, the backups may not work properly unless you turn off the compression option for backups. Go to Maintenance / Program Options / Database, and uncheck "Compress the database backups to a ZIP file". It should work fine then. Make sure also you change this option on any other computers you use, so it knows the backup isn't compressed when you restore it.