Q. In the P.O.S. and Reservations Transactions, if the clerk hits Cancel at the end of the transaction then the sale is not saved into the system, even after a receipt is printed is that right? I have had issues that when I go to Receipts by Payment Method a transaction is not listed but I have a printed receipt for a sale.
A. Correct, clicking Cancel would cause the transactions to not be saved. To prevent this problem, check the option "Automatically save transactions when a receipt is printed" under Maintenance / Program Options / POS.
Also note that prior to version 3.6, there was no equivalent option in normal Transactions (non-P.O.S. sales), so there was no way to prevent cancelling a sale after a receipt is printed. In version 3.6, this option was added -- go to Maintenance / Program Options / Prompts, and check "Save transactions immediately when a receipt is printed".