Where is the Bulk Check-out function?
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Q: How do I do a bulk check-out?

A: This function was added in version 6, but it's easy to miss. It's called "Auto-Checkout today's departures", and it's only available on the Departures tab right-click menu.

From the documentation:

Auto-Checkout today's departures

This function can be found on the right-click menu of the Departures tab view. Selecting this option will check out all reservations currently checked in with a last night equal to yesterday's date (i.e. departing today), provided that their Paid-thru Date is set to their Last Night and they have a $0 reservation balance. If the reservation has any Guest reservations, they must also have a $0 balance and be due out today or earlier, and the Guests will be automatically checked out also.

Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/snews/bulkcheck_out.html

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