Finding Canceled Reservations

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Q: Is there was a way that we can see in one report all the reservations that have been canceled or the Mistake button was clicked on?


A: Yes, just click on the "Non-Reserved" tab view, and select the type you want to see.  The you can adjust the From & To dates for prior or future reservations (note this uses the reservation start date, not the "date made").


If you're not seeing the Non-Reserved tab, then it may have been disabled or deleted.  Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Tab Views.  If you see Non-Reserved listed, make sure it shows "Yes" for the Enabled field (Edit it if needed to re-enable it).  If you don't see it at all, then click the button Add the default tab views to add it back in.  (You'll probably need to delete any duplicates after doing that.)


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