Creating split reservations on separate sites

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Once in awhile you may have to move someone to a different site in the middle of their stay, either at their request or because there are no sites open for their whole stay.


For a requested move in the middle of their stay, you can split an existing reservation from the Rack view (right-click on the date to start the split), and then change the site assignment for the second part.  


But if you need to split the reservation to start with (because the site isn't available for their whole stay), there's another way to do it.  You can start by making a reservation for the first part, then add a linked sub-member reservation for the second part.  You can do this all at once while still in New Reservation by following this procedure:


- Start the new reservation.

- Select the dates for the first part and pick the site (so the site shows in "Site(s) added" as usual.

- Check the "Sub-member of" box below the grid (instead of "synchronized").

- Change the dates for the second part,

- Select the other site.  It will show in "Site(s) added" with a ">" in front of it.

- Complete the reservation as usual.


This will create two linked reservations, which will be billed together.


One thing that this doesn't solve is that auto-rates won't treat them as a continuous stay -- for instance if they stay 3 days on one site and 4 on the other, it won't give them the weekly rate because it's not a continuous stay in the same reservation.  In this case you would have to manually give them an appropriate discount, or override the auto-rates to select the weekly rate (in Reservation Details, check "Disable auto-rate recalculations" if necessary).


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