Version 9.1 "rev.e" bug-fix release

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All current customers should have already received the E-mail notice about version 9.1 released on September 25th.  If you are not yet a licensed user or you missed the announcement, you can read about the new features in the Release Notes:


However, there were a few bugs found in the initial release, mostly dealing with the new E-mail features.  Any known issues have been fixed and a new "9.1 rev.e" release is available as of October 9th (see release notes above for a list of the additional fixes since the initial release).  Please check Help / About Campground Master to see if your version shows "rev.e" -- if not, we urge you to download the new version to replace your current version.


Networking note: This will not affect networking connectivity so they don't have to be done all at the same time like major releases do.  Just install on each computer when it's convenient.


The download is available any time on our web site:



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