Setup Parsing Sets Dialog

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To add or edit parsing sets, go to Maintenance / Online Reservations / Other Online Interfaces / Parsing Sets.



Parsing Set Type


This is basically equivalent to the "Source" selection for retrieving online reservations.  Select the appropriate type of request for which you want to set up parsing sets, e.g. E-mail requests or Reservation Friend 1-way.



Parsing Set List


This works the same way as the Rates setup dialog, in that it shows a list of defined sets (of the selected online parsing set type), and has functions for Edit, Add, Insert, Delete, Copy, Move Up and Move Down, plus the standard Print and Export functions.


To edit a parsing set, for instance, just click the one to be edited and click the Edit parsing set definition button.  Or you can just double-click on it to edit it.  This will open the Edit Parsing Set dialog.


To add a new parsing set, click the Add parsing set definition button.  The same dialog that's used for editing is used to add a new set.


The order of parsing sets can make a difference if you're checking for multiple request formats and use different Identifying Text for each set.  They will be processed in the same order  that they appear in this list.  The one with the most specific identifying text should be at the top.  (It would actually be pretty unusual if the identifying text was ambiguous enough that the order would matter anyway, since it's a good idea to make it as specific as possible.)


If you have a parsing set that works great but you need to set up another one that's almost the same, you can use the Copy function.  This will also duplicate all of the parsing rules for the copied set(s).  This can be handy if you get different requests in the same format except for a small difference.  Of course the Identifying Text needs to be able to distinguish the two sets also (more on this in later sections).


Warning -- if you Delete a parsing set, all parsing rules associated with it are immediately deleted too.  While this should be obvious, we mention it as a warning because one accidental "Delete" could wipe out a whole lot of work on parsing rules.



Importing and Exporting Parsing Sets


These functions allow copying a parsing set from one database to another (or between computers).  This is primarily used if you have your software provider do the setup on another system and then need to import that setup to the working database on your computer.


The Export function creates a text (CSV) file in a special format that the Import function can read.  This can include one or more parsing set definitions (select the entry or entries to export before clicking the Export button).  To complete the export, select the location (Save in) and the file name for the exported file with the "Export" file dialog is shown.


The Import function is simply the reverse of Export -- select the CSV file containing the exported parsing sets, and Open it to import them into your database.




Further Topics:


Parsing Sets Overview



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