Relationships Setup

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To add or modify a Relationship, go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / User-defined Relationships.  This opens the Setup Relationships dialog, which lists all current user-defined Relationships and has the typical functions for Adding, Editing, Importing/Exporting, etc.  Note that while there are functions to Insert or Move Up and Move Down, a Relationship's position in the list does not affect the functionality in any way.


Note that the pre-defined relationships in Campground Master cannot be modified.  This function only manages your custom-defined relationships.  As such, at least one of the tables you're linking with them will likely be a custom table you've set up through User-defined Tables (there should be no reason to add a new relationship between the standard Campground Master tables).


You can also Export one or more Relationships to a text file, or Import Relationships.  This is primarily used for importing new Table definitions along with their Relationships created by the software provider, though it can also be used to transfer them between multiple databases.



Adding a Relationship


Before you can add a new relationship, you need to already have tables with appropriate "from" and "to" fields ready to be selected. For instance, if setting up a custom Pick List (like the Membership Type mentioned in previous sections), add the new Table first (as a "Pick List"), and also add a linking field to the table that will be using it (eg. add a Membership Type "Pick List item" field to the Customers table through Data Field Definitions). Now you're ready to create the relationship -- click the Add relationship button (or Insert if needed in a particular order).  That will open the Edit Relationship dialog to enter the details.



Editing a Relationship


A relationship can be changed any time if needed, but presumably only to fix something done incorrectly before and the relationship was not being used yet -- all kinds of bad things can happen if you arbitrarily modify a relationship that has already been in use.  Simply select the one to edit, and click Edit relationship.



Deleting a Relationship


Presumably this would only be done if you made a mistake or you're no longer using the field or table referred to by the relationship, or have never used them.  While it will have no affect on the actual data stored, it would of course not show data the same way without the relationship and could cause system errors if the field is still displayed somewhere.




Additional Topics:


User-defined Relationships overview

Editing Relationships


User-defined Tables




Advanced Customizations Overview & other topics



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Campground Master Home