Are credit card details secure?

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Q: I'm concerned about all of the credit card information on the computer if someone breaks in and steals it.  Is there a way to protect the credit card information?



A: If you're using the actual credit card number & expiration date fields (in the Guarantee Info and Payment entry screen, for instance) then the numbers are encrypted in the database file -- so someone can't just browse the file to see the information.  They would have to run the software and know the operator log-in to access the information.


However if you entered the credit card information in any other field, for instance directly in the Guarantee Info notes field (e.g. before the separate fields were available, or without clicking the "..." button when editing the Guarantee Info from Reservation Details) then that's not encrypted.  If you have old data that's in these fields it might be a good idea to clear it out.



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