Adding "Due Back By" on custom receipts

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DISCLAIMER: This article involves Advanced Customizations, which can be technically challenging to get working and is not part of standard support.  This is programming and must be done precisely or the results can be unpredictable.  This information is provided as a service for those who have the technical skills to work through it -- we cannot help you solve any issues with getting it working.  For more information about Advanced Customizations, see the full documentation:



The original sample Form templates for receipts did not include the logic to show the end-of-period text for Scheduled (hourly) reservations.  For instance, this might be set for "Due back by 1PM" for a 12PM hourly period in the Schedules setup.  Here is how you can correct that.


Note that this is only an issue if you use Schedules, and only if you have set the end-of-period text for each period in your schedules.


1. In the Form definition, look for the Reservations & Site Info region (Edit the main "margin" region and you should see it).


2. Locate the expression that displays the last night (or period):


DateToText(Resv:Resv_Last_Date) +

iif(ThisSchedule() = NullRecord(), "", " : " +




3. Change it to:


DateToText(Resv:Resv_Last_Date) +

iif(ThisSchedule() = NullRecord(), "", " : " +

FieldText(Resv(),"Resv_Last_Period") +

iif(FieldText(LinkedRecord(Resv(), "Resv_Last_Period"),

"Perd_End") != "", " (" + FieldText(LinkedRecord(Resv(),

"Resv_Last_Period"), "Perd_End") + ")", ""))


The expression is broken into multiple lines for formatting here, but it must be continuous (no line breaks) when you enter it.


That should do it!


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